Trading binary option was really exciting when i started,armed with an inndicator i got from a mate for about $25, i tought that was all i need in the binary option first day was funny.22 trades on platform,with only 2 dollar profits,i was happy i was even able to make 2 dollars after reality downed on me that this wasnt going to be easy....
i spent my second week to forth week looking for a perfect strategy

the truth is ....there is no perfect strategy,i learnt price action in a couple of weeks yet i wasnt making head way as binary option is quite different since its based on weither the market will move up /down within a predefine time frame
its f;;cking difficult guys

but you what? i found a strategy that works ,and its almost like an holy grail...guys welcome to the no loose binary option strategy that does the job,its wrecks the brokers beyound their faculty and keeps them at bay while you  picking up the cash
my result could help you understand what i am saying

the fact that i am able to do this proofs that you can too
you can request for the strategy,its comes with no indicators so forget about lagging indicators
its based on a little knowledge of price action and its likes


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